segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2008


Palavras faladas sem querer
Palavras pra desabafar
Palavras cansadas
Palavras de carinho
Palavras acentuadas demais
Palavras que precisam de um chacoalhão
Palavras que não esqueci
Palavras que cobram
Palavras que apagam tudo que falei
Lidar com palavras, eu pouco sei.

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

I think you are a liar...
You know exactly how to deal with words...

Words by Yahia Lababidi

Words are like days:
coloring books or pickpockets,
signposts or scratching posts,
fakirs over hot coals.

Certain words must be earned
just as emotions are suffered
before they can be uttered
- clean as a kept promise.

Words as witnesses
testifying their truths
squalid or rarefied
inevitable, irrefutable.

But, words must not carry
more than they can
it’s not good for their backs
or their reputations.

For, whether they dance alone
or with an invisible partner,
every word is a cosmos
dissolving the inarticulate